What do you get?

Consistent coaching + accountability to give you the support you need to step into your purpose and make a bigger impact in the world.

  • You get consistent business coaching
  • You receive smart tools and action steps for consistent growth
  • You have accountability to ensure your rise to The Celebrity CEO™ status is constant

What is it?

The Celebrity CEO™ Mastermind is coaching, accountability & community to create your brand, sell it and scale your business! Imagine having The Celebrity CEO™ Coaches in your corner…

Wow! Hear What Others Say...

What's Inside the Program?

  • Weekly coaching calls 
  • 2 live online events/year 
  • 1 annual in-person event
  • Library of coaching insights, material and recordings

Tier 1

  • The Celebrity CEO™ Facebook Group Community
  • The Celebrity CEO™ Blueprint
  • The Celebrity CEO™ Courses
  • Monthly Group Coaching

$99 per month

Tier 2

  • The Celebrity CEO™ Facebook Group Community
  • The Celebrity CEO™ Blueprint
  • The Celebrity CEO™ Courses
  • Weekly Coaching Calls – Insights for YOUR business and brand
  • Library of Coaching Insights and Strategies
  • 2 Live Online The Celebrity CEO™ personal branding events per year

$249 per month

Tier 3

  • Free The Celebrity CEO™ Facebook Group Community
  • Free The Celebrity CEO™ Blueprint
  • Weekly Coaching Calls – Insights for YOUR business and brand
  • Live Discussion with The Celebrity CEO™ experts
  • Library of Coaching Insights and Strategies
  • 2 Live Online The Celebrity CEO™ personal branding events per year
  • 1 In-Person Event and Mastermind Intensive
  • Monthly Private Hot Seats with The Celebrity CEO™ Coaches

$249 per month

What topics are covered?

  • The Mindset of Successful Business Owners
  • What Is Successful Marketing?
  • Event Marketing and Production
  • Book Production and Marketing
  • Podcasting For Clients or Branding
  • Social Media Marketing Tips and Tools
  • How To Get Publicity and Media Coverage
  • Online Events, Live Video and Streaming
  • Library of coaching insights, material and recordings

Are you willing to stay right where you are and NOT take action?

  • No visibility for your brand, if you don’t take action.
  • Always scrambling to get a new client, if you don’t take action.
  • No respect for your expertise and experience, if you don’t take action.
  • The competition always winning, if you don’t take action.

What Does Your Success Look Like?

  • More visibility for your brand
  • Less stress and anxiousness
  • Future customers call you
  • Being more known by your peers
  • More referrals

Now is the Time

You're ready to stop hustling with no results and become the Celebrity CEO of your personal Brand

Coaching, Community and Accountability for business experts who are ready to grow their business and be more visible.​

The Sky's The Limit

We see You, CEO

You’re pouring yourself into your business and working long hours, but you’re not getting ANY respect. In fact, it seems like your ideal customers don’t even know anything about you.​
You’re tired of doing all the things with nothing to show for it.​

"Post more on Social Media"

"Buy That New App Or Software"

"Go On More Podcasts"

We’re constantly told to try this and try that and do more of this and less of that. But at what point does it become too much?
You are a genius in your field, an expert in your niche, a powerhouse in your industry, and yet no matter how many times you post or how many times you show up, it doesn’t seem to lead to the type of visibility and credibility you’re looking for.​

You know you have expertise that is undervalued - and you’re ready to embrace you as The Celebrity CEO™

You're Ready for a Change...

You’re ready to 5X your revenue and build a team to support the heavy lifting work.

It’s time to stop working harder and start working smarter!

Realize the Power of Becoming a Celebrity CEO

- A Six-Figure - Million-Dollar Brand (literally)

- A Best-Selling Author

- An Event Host Extraordinaire

- A Sought-After Expert

- A Recognizable CEO

- A Successful Podcaster

- A Better Blogger

Grow and scale to Celebrity CEO with 3 experts who are leading the charge in elevating small business ownership to celebrity status.​

Ramon Ray

5x author, in-demand motivational keynote speaker and 5x serial entrepreneur. Featured in WSJ, Associated Press, Entrepreneur and more.​

Porsche Mysticque Steele​

Liz Caruso

Meet Our Clients

They Believe In Us

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kool or taka ekolor.

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?

Social Media​​

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Web Design​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit orot amet, cons ctetur atrd piing elit.​

Content Marketing​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit orot amet, cons ctetur atrd piing elit.​

we love them

what our clients have to say

About Us

behind the scenes at beyond

We stop at nothing

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We Love To Explore​

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We Take It Step-By-Step

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We Keep It Simple

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Your Dream. Our Mission.

We Believe In Hard Work And Dedication

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meet our amazing team

The Faces Behind our Success

We Couldn’t Do It Without Them

Timothy Powell

Creative Director

Jennie Ryan

Art Director

Rod Mikey

SEO Specialist

Susan Poore

Digital Consultant

Lisa R. Boone

PPC Ninja

Kiara Foster

Head of Content

Edward Smith

Strategy Dreamer

Jennie Stone

Social Media

Nichole Reed

Senior Designer

Meet Our Clients

we work for them

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elit. Proin rutrum euismod dolor, ultricies aliq luam off
kool or taka ekolor.

Do you want to grow your business?

we can do it together